In 2008 through 2010, an "Independent mom & pop" oil company violated the "Alaskan Public Trust" doctrine, allowing malfeasance and environmental atrocities upon the "Last Frontier". This "blog" is dedicated to follow the outcome of the illegal activities that have now become front and center attention before the regulators in charge of making sure the "Public Trust" is upheld, as a centralized forum to make sure Alaskans and others are kept abreast of penalties and fines upon those that feel Alaska is the "Last Frontier Dumping Grounds".

The above image depicts a crude oil well flow-back test, wherein for days hydrocarbon saturated "wet" natural gas was allowed to vent to the atmosphere out a safety relief valve, with temperatures and ambient conditions such that the "wet" vapors most likely condensed and fell upon the pristine waters of Harrison Bay of the Colville River delta, a place so far removed from man-made pollution. This image is also the cover photo of the report called "Alaska's Deadliest Sin", a culmination of malfeasance and environmental corruption evidence upon this Independent, collected by an ex-employee who has made it a personal "mission" to make sure this kind of irresponsible behavior is stopped and never again repeated on this "Frontier". To date, the company – Pioneer Natural Resources - has attempted to deny all allegations, but the evidence allowing denial is too strong. With that, the company has started to admit true so serious these violations. They have admitted their actions are indeed a violation of "Public Trust". With a 3rd party ongoing investigation following the submittal of the "Sin", the end result should be stiff fines and penalties upon the perpetrators, that which sends a message to those that want to "Go North" for oil exploration and exploitation.

"Drill Baby Drill" is upon us, thanks to Sarah Palin and others, and we must stand up against this all out blitzkrieg assault upon the ecosystem, to protect the environment from continued malfeasance and environmental atrocities, as it is not worth another Love Canal!

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Alaska Sell-Out

Dear Fellow Americans;

I bring this concern to all true Americans’ attention, as help is needed and only you can provide that help by taking a stand with me upon this dire concern. The state of Alaska is desperate for cash, which has alarmed the sitting governor – Sean Parnell – to the point that he wants to give away the farm. The fallout of this pursuit fostered by desperation will have devastating consequences upon this nation – unless we resort to “We the People” power to intervene. When natural gas reserves were losing ground on the supply side of the well known “Supply & Demand” equation down in the lower-48 states, the Presidential leadership looked towards Alaska as a saving grace option, as Alaska has stored away a treasure chest of what is defined as “Stranded Gas”. Basically speaking, since oil started traveling down the Trans-Alaska-Pipeline back in the late 70’s, the natural gas that comes topside with crude oil extraction has been re-injected for future endeavors – like bailing out the states when energy woes cause havoc. Now during those 30-years of oil development and exploitation, the state of Alaska has enjoyed a decent share of the profits from oil feeding the states, income for supplying the valuable feedstock to many refineries up and down the West Coast. At one time, Alaska supplied 25% of America’s daily energy needs. Over 30-billion barrels have traveled south from Prudhoe Bay, which has allowed the state of Alaska to realize a dividend giveaway for its residents, plus money to do just about anything - like proposing “Bridges to No Where”. But at the same time this wealth was filling the coffers and fueling corruption in politics – a.k.a. Alaska’s “Corrupt Bastards Club” - the state spenders went foolish and spent a whole lot of loot on ridiculous type projects that did nothing in efforts to help develop a sustainable jobs infrastructure. So that is where the desperation stems from, as the “sky is falling” with respect to income as oil production is slowing down and the present leadership has not read the writing on the wall. And during these years wherein Alaska was the top oil producing state, it still relied on hefty Federal handouts that were way above and beyond any other state of the Union – that is what happens when a state has powerful Senators and Congressmen writing the appropriations legislation. So with so much “pork” heading from the U.S. Treasury to Alaska, to fuel foolish projects, with the debt crisis upon “All America”, Alaska has become desperate and realizes the only way to keep it going like the “good old days” is by selling out America’s future. So I call on all Americans concerned, as Alaska is more concerned about the bottom-line then the future of America. It is time to voice a concern to President Obama. And herein exists the problem that provokes this concern. As it stands, there are laws, rules and regulations that prohibit exporting Alaska’s North Slope natural gas to foreign markets until such time the President “publishes an express finding that such exports will not diminish the total quantity or quality nor increase the total price of energy available to the United States”. 15C §719J “Export Limitations” was in-acted as law to protect this nation’s interest. But now that the state of Alaska legislators fear the honeymoon is over with, to what was for a long time unlimited loot from oil production taxation, they have called on the governor to sell out the resource to foreign interests - like China maybe. This sell-out is being accomplished without regards to the law that prohibits such transactions abroad. And to make matters worse off, the agencies involved in this secret endeavor, they understand it all too well but are hoping to find some way to skirt the “Export Limitation”. This gas from Alaska’s North Slope should remain “Stranded” and used only for America – that is the “LAW”. Some day this gas will be needed, and to sell it abroad just so Alaska can continue to bask in wealth and still see a pathetic jobs infrastructure unfold, it isn’t worth the effort. America needs to wake up and call on Obama or the next sitting President to never allow Alaska’s North Slope Gas to find permission to leave us behind. Now is the time for all “True Americans” to voice a concern over Alaska’s attempt to sell out this nation’s future. Write the President or use the below enclosed letter to help stop the Alaska sell-out!

Dear Mr. President Barack Obama;

15C §719J “Export Limitations” was in-acted as law to protect this nation’s interest. Please do not allow any dereliction upon this “Law” or changes that would allow Alaskan North Slope natural gas to be exported. As the present “Law” dictates, you must see to it that any exports “will not diminish the total quantity or quality nor increase the total price of energy available to the United States.” By allowing exports, in time that loss can only amount to higher prices – due lose of a commodity. Alaskan natural gas from the “North Slope” should remain “Stranded” until such time it is piped through Canada, as that country is exempt from the “Export Limitations” with the realization that gas will fuel America’s needs. We should not allow exports outside the “Law”. Please take this under consideration should you be asked to lift the “Export Limitation” by Alaska’s state or Congressional delegation, or through “Special Interests” or through any request by the Governor of Alaska.

Respectfully Submitted, American Citizen John Doe